Tuesday, May 8, 2007

All About Banjo

Banjo is a six year old Thoroughbred gelding. His registered name was Lionardo. He is by Lion Cavern, who is now deceased, but was a full brother to Gone West. Here is a link to Banjo's pedigree.
I had always worked with horses and took care of other peoples horses, but never had my own until I got Banjo at 43. He was given to me , because he was not sound for racing. He was a tad bit thin when I got him...but fattened up nice on Kentucky Bluegrass and good food. He is an awesome little (barely 15.1) trail horse..goes wherever I point him.
He has led a solitary life until recently, with the arrival of Rudy,( a fine old gentleman)..when he finally got a friend !!


The boys are doing well...it is week number three of a non solitary life for Banjo.
He had to learn how to share his toys at first. He is like the bratty little red headed kid next door.A bit of alpha mare action on my part put him in his place. Don't worry, that only consists of me chasing Banjo, waving my arms and yelling like a madwoman, to run him off from whatever he had just ran Rudy off from, hay roll and water trough being prime examples.
I have to go to Tractor Supply to get a replacement plug for my 300 gallon stock tank, that will help the water problem.
After watching ol' Rudy the past two weeks, I am beginning to think the source of his lameness may be EPSM. I have him on a trial diet, high in fat , low in carbs and sugar...need to give it a month to see if it helps.
I have a vegetable garden to plant, so I need to go for a while, but here are some farm pictures, the most recent...

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A bit about me and the two horses

I decided to start this blog to keep a journal of my trials and tribulations of owning two horses, and so people who were interested could check in and see what Banjo and Rudy are up to.
I live in a small Kentucky town, and I rent a small farm where I reside with my husband, two teenagers, two dogs, two horses, and waaay too many cats.
It's only a few acres, with a barn, but it is close to town, and I have great places to ride, right here on the farm.
I have two horses, Banjo was my first, he is a six year old Thoroughbred gelding, chestnut..with only a small bit of white on one pastern. The other is Rudy, a 16 year old Thoroughbred gelding, who is bay with a star.
My next couple of blog entries will give a bit of history on both horses, and what goals I hope to achieve for them.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Now, about Rudy

Rudy came to me a few weeks ago,thanks to the generosity and kind hearts of a few people who saw a sweet old horse that deserved a second chance.
He is 16 year old Thoroughbred gelding, a school horse who couldn't do his job anymore.
He is a dear old horse, and grew on me right away. So smart and kind and wise. I am learning new tidbits about him every day. He loves peppermints. No... he LOFFS peppermints. He loves to be groomed, practically wraps himself around you when currying him. He is a blessing in so many ways.